Improving childhood nutrition by changing infant feeding practices in Sidoarjo, East Java: a GAIN formative research and design case study

This report presents findings from a formative research and design case study carried out to explore infant and young child feeding behaviour in the region, and to understand its underlying motivations. These insights were used to develop an innovative program focused on changing behaviour linked to breastfeeding, complementary feeding and snacking. 

The researchers used a combination of established and innovative research methodologies together with a creative process and worked closely with the Indonesian Health Department and a local advertising agency to ensure that the insights from the formative research were translated into an innovative, effective television advertising campaign. This case study describes the methodology and the outcomes of the formative research, as well as the creative process of translating the formative research into television commercials and community activation. 

Although social, cultural and behavioural circumstances are unique to different countries, regions and localities, the conclusions drawn may contain some universal truth and may inform behaviour change programs in other high burden contexts.