Requests for Proposals

We regularly publish opportunities for agencies and companies to provide their goods and services and contribute to various areas of our work, through Requests for Proposals (RFPs). 

GAIN ensures that all procurement activities are carried out in a fair and transparent manner and in compliance with the principles of ethical behaviour and good conduct, by using competitive processes for obtaining goods and services.

In order to be considered for a particular opportunity, you need to fill in the information requested in the RFP form and submit it to the address indicated before the closing date. 

  1. Details
  2. Type of proposal
  3. To complete and send before*

The purpose of this RFP is to engage services of a Service Provider and hire a full-time Consultant role of a Project Manager for end-to-end coordination and management of the ‘2024 Food Dietary Shift Competition’ in two countries i.e Kenya and Indonesia. GAIN, EAT, and FOLU are issuing this opportunity and 2024 ‘Dietary Shift Competition’ will seek solutions for dietary shifts anticipated in including more of : fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts, soybeans, legumes, and blue foods (i.e, fish, seafood, aquatic plants); less of: free sugars, vegetables oils, salt, saturated fats, refined grains, ultra processed foods, fast foods, sugar-sweetened beverages. Finally, more or less of (depending on current diets and sustainable production considerations in-country): eggs, poultry, pork, red meat, dairy.

Download the RFP: Recruitment of Project Manager (Full-time Consultant) for 2024 Dietary Shifts Challenge

*Please note that every time is in CET = Central European Time