

In 2023/2024, GAIN’s total income was USD 61.9 million, 19% higher than the previous year.

GAIN received funding from over 35 public and private sector donors, including the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the German federal ministry of economic co-operation and development (BMZ), the European Union (EU), the Danish Development Cooperation of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Danida), the Children's Investment Fund Foundation (CIFF), the  Swiss Agency for Development & Cooperation (SDC), the Norwegian Ministry of Climate and Environment (NORAD), Irish Aid, the Rockefeller Foundation, WFP and UNICEF. 

For a complete list of donors, visit the Donor page.


During the year, we were able to allocate USD 63.9 million to our work, focusing on our main programme areas - as shown in the chart on the right.

When GAIN began in 2002, we were primarily a large-scale food fortification organisation. Our efforts since then have contributed to making fortified food available to over 1 billion people. Our current strategy is to continue this work with an emphasis on transforming food systems to make healthier diets from sustainable food systems accessible to all people and especially those whose are most vulnerable to shocks.

Structural expenditure represents administrative and other support costs required to maintain the infrastructure of GAIN and ensure that it has effective governance and management. In 2023/24 these costs represented 11% of total expenditure.  

The Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition is an independent non-profit Swiss foundation, headquartered in Geneva, created under Article 80 of the Swiss Civil Code, and is registered with the Geneva Registry of Commerce under statutes dated 26 March 2003. GAIN holds special international status granted by the Swiss government. Our federal registration number is: CH-660-0653003-4.

The consolidated financial statements include GAIN's offices and those entities over which GAIN has the power to govern the financial and operating policies so as to obtain benefits from their activities. The consolidated entities comprise the Foundation, GAIN NoSCA LLC, GAIN UK, GAIN Netherlands, GAIN Nigeria and GAIN Tanzania. 

Financial statements

The Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition is an independent non-profit Swiss foundation, headquartered in Geneva, created under Article 80 of the Swiss Civil Code, and is registered with the Geneva Registry of Commerce under statutes dated 26 March 2003. GAIN holds special international status granted by the Swiss government. Our federal registration number is: CH-660-0653003-4.

The consolidated financial statements include GAIN's offices and those entities over which GAIN has the power to govern the financial and operating policies so as to obtain benefits from their activities. The consolidated entities comprise the Foundation, GAIN NoSCA LLC, GAIN UK, GAIN Netherlands, GAIN Nigeria and GAIN Tanzania.