

Geneva, Switzerland
Rue Varembé 7
1202 Geneva, Switzerland
Mailing address:
PO box 55, 1211 Genève 20
T: +41 22 749 18 50


Abuja, Nigeria
37A Patrick O Bokkor Crescent, Jabi,
Abuja, Nigeria
T: + 234 929 114 04

Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Bole Sub-City, Woreda 2, 
HGS Offices, 3rd Floor, behind the Embassy of Rwanda, 
in front of Ayer Amba High School
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

T: +251 116 610088.

Cotonou, Benin
Les Cocotiers, C/7004
Cotonou Benin
T: +229 46096336

Dar es Salaam, Tanzania,
3rd Floor, Golden Heights Building, Wing A
Chole Road, Masaki
Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
T: +255 752 57 82 50

Kampala, Uganda
Plot 9, Kyambogo View Road, Minister’s Village, Ntinda
P.O.Box 800896
Kampala, Uganda
Tel :+256 772 207 328 

Maputo, Mozambique
Rua 1.393, N. 104, Bairro da Sommerschield,
Maputo, Mozambique
T: +258 823 128 195

Nairobi, Kenya
3rd Floor, 197 Lenana Place, Lenana Road 
Box office: P.O. Box 13733 – 00800
T +254 773 572 103

Kigali, Rwanda
5th floor, M&M Plaza Building, Wing B
KG 8Av, Nyarutarama Cell, Remera Sector, Gasabo District,
Kigali City, Rwanda
Office Tel: +250794411263

North America

Washington DC, USA
1100 13th St NW
Suite 800
Washington, DC 20005
T: +1 202 559 85 20 


Dhaka, Bangladesh
Level 4, 
House no-20, 
Road no-99, Gulshan-2,
Dhaka, Bangladesh
T +88-02-222280202

Islamabad, Pakistan
Office 10, 11, First Floor, Pakland Medical Center,
Plot# 14-X, Sector F-8 Marka
Islamabad, Pakistan
T +92 51 831 3981-82

Jakarta, Indonesia
Menara Palma, 7th Floor
Suite 705,
Jl. HR Rasuna Said, Kav. 6
Blok X-2,
Jakarta Selatan, Indonesia
T: +62 21 57956031

New Delhi, India
1st Floor, Mahindra Tower, 2A 
Bhikaji Cama Place
New Delhi 110066
T: +91 11 43147575


London, United Kingdom
4th Floor, Watchmaker Court,
33 St John's Lane
London, United Kingdom (UK)
T: +44 20 7042 1390

Utrecht, The Netherlands
Arthur van Schendelstraat 550
3511 MH Utrecht
Utrecht, The Netherlands
T: +31 307 603 828

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