- Benin
- Nigeria
- Ethiopia
- Kenya
- Uganda
- Mozambique
CASCADE(CAtalyzing Strengthened policy aCtion for heAlthy Diets and resiliencE)' is a multi-country project implemented by a consortium led by CARE with GAIN, both organisations with long-standing experience in addressing malnutrition at the community and household levels and advocating for greater government engagement for sustainable food systems.
CASCADE leverages CARE’s and GAIN's experience and expertise in systems strengthening and food systems transformation to achieve its main objectives:
The five-year, 60 million EUR award from the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs is implemented between 2022-2026. CASCADE engages in collaborative efforts with government bodies, private service providers, and communities around five domains
CASCADE employs multiple advocacy strategies, from sub-national to national and global level, to strengthen policy implementation of nutrition related policies. It draws on CARE’s and GAIN’s approaches, focusing on social accountability, good governance, health system’s strengthening, multisectoral coordination, resource mobilisation, private sector engagement and climate-resilient agricultural practices.
It also strengthens community structures through community mobilisation and civil society engagement for collective pressure for changes in the food system and collaborates with the Scaling Up Nutrition (SUN) networks across the six countries to address malnutrition. Gender, social norm transformation and behaviour change are cross cutting strategies, both an essential goal and a means to magnify impact.
This webinar explores the intersection of women's empowerment and food security, highlighting CASCADE's approaches to improving nutrition and building resilience for women of reproductive age and children.