#IWD2023 - Jessy Baltzinger, Legal Advisor, Geneva

To mark International Women's Day 2023, we have interviewed a few of our female staff members at GAIN. This interview aims to shine a spotlight on the invaluable contributions of women in the workplace and their significant impact on an organisation's success.

Join us as we delve into the experiences, challenges, and triumphs of our female colleagues, and gain insight into their journey towards achieving their goals.

This interview is a tribute to all women who have worked tirelessly to make their mark in their respective industries and inspire future generations of women to do the same.

One stereotype women in the workplace are tired of hearing.

Women do not have the required skills that men inherently have for certain professions or job titles.

What inspires you to come to work every day?

The chance to make an impact. It is important that I am part of something that is bigger than myself. 

One quality that every woman must admire about herself.


What does equity mean to you?

Fairness, justice, and equal opportunities.

What advice would you give to women starting out their career?

Be open to opportunities and accept that your "plan" may change.

Jessy Baltzinger, Legal Advisor, Geneva

The chance to make an impact. It is important that I am part of something that is bigger than myself.

Jessy Baltzinger embrace equity photo

Women will achieve true equality when _______

Effectively empowered as change agents.

What unique strengths do women bring to leadership roles, and how can organisations leverage these strengths to drive success?

Emotional intelligence is undeniably an essential strength in leadership roles to encourage and incentivise teams.