Leading the Change: GAIN at the Forefront of Indonesia's Green Economy Expo

Indonesia, 29 July 2024 - 

GAIN Indonesia was at the forefront of Green Economy Expo held by The National Development Planning Agency (BAPPENAS) on July 3-5 in Jakarta. This year’s theme was “Advancing Technology, Innovation, and Circularity”. The event brought to the forefront discussions on sustainable development and the implementation of circular economy principles throughout Indonesia.

One of the event's standout moments was unveiling two pivotal documents, prominently featuring GAIN Indonesia’s leadership which was launched by the Minister of the National Development Planning Agency (BAPPENAS) Suharso Monoarfa. 

The first document is an ambitious roadmap, spearheaded by GAIN, targeting a 75% reduction in food loss and waste by 2045. This roadmap focuses on enhancing sustainable food production and consumption practices, reflecting a comprehensive approach to environmental stewardship and improving food systems efficiency across the country. 

The second is the National Action Plan for Indonesia's Circular Economy, offers a strategic framework for embedding circularity in economic activities. The Minister of BAPPENAS enthusiastically launched these initiatives, highlighting their crucial roles in supporting Indonesia’s sustainable development goals. Minister Suharso emphasised the roadmap’s alignment with national food security and environmental sustainability priorities.
The expo also featured a talk show with GAIN Indonesia’s Country Director, Dr. Agnes Mallipu, who discussed the importance of reducing post-harvest losses as a key element of the roadmap, alongside enhancing the domestic supply of nutritious and safe food. GAIN Indonesia is the only partner of BAPPENAS to bring up the issue of nutritious and safe food. Discussions extended to broader topics such as fostering a circular economy ecosystem, transitioning energy sources, exploring an inclusive and green bioeconomy value chain, and bolstering research and development efforts.
The event drew international attention, with various ambassadors and representatives of global institutions attending including the British Deputy Ambassador to Indonesia Mr. Matthew Downing, the European Union (EU) Ambassador to Indonesia, H.E. Denis Chaibi, Ambassador of Denmark to Indonesia, Malaysia, Timor-Leste, Papua New Guinea, and ASEAN H. E. Mr. Sten Frimodt Nielsen and UNDP Resident Representative Mr. Norimasa Shimomura. They all recognised and appreciated GAIN’s leadership and contributions. More than 2,400 people from diverse stakeholder groups in circular economy initiatives participated in this prestigious event. Over 90 booth exhibitors were present, showcasing and promoting the circular economy and green business initiatives across the country with 72 prominent speakers from various sectors who delivered their ideas on circular economy.

The key takeaways from the green economy expo were -  

  • The implementation of a circular economy in the food sector can be optimised with efficiency in the value chain process and the application of appropriate technology. 
  • The roadmap needs to be followed up by preparing a legal foundation in the form of a Presidential Regulation as a basis for food loss and waste in Indonesia which has been supported by GAIN Indonesia. 

GAIN along with other stakeholders will continue working on driving Indonesia towards a sustainable and prosperous future. Let’s rally behind these transformative strategies, which are set to significantly impact local communities and the global environment.