Vegetables for All

Vegetables for All (VfA) targets the whole vegetable chain from seed to stomach. In north- eastern Tanzania, the availability of vegetables is intrinsically linked to the dry and wet seasons causing fluctuations in access to nutritious vegetables. This problem is compounded by poor access to high quality seeds and other inputs and high levels of post-harvest loss which prevent vegetables reaching markets in the region. Meanwhile, consumers are not fully aware of the need to include vegetables in a balanced and diverse diet, resulting in irregular access and consumption patterns of nutritious vegetables, and contributing to high regional levels of stunting, anaemia, and iron deficiency.

Vegetables for All adopts a value chain approach. This means combining interventions that stimulate the supply and demand of vegetables, and improving processes in between to increase the quantity, quality, and diversity of vegetables that complete the journey from seed to stomach. A key strength of Vegetables for All is the partnership. The project is implemented by private sector, NGOs, and knowledge institutes, and is supported by the Dutch government. Combining the expertise of the different partners is essential to achieve the project’s ambitious goals and impact.