This document is an Addendum to the Global Options Paper, Weathering the Pandemic to Build Back Better: Options for Supporting SMEs in Low- and Middle-Income Countries. The Global Options Paper is a rapid review and analysis of the challenges facing agri-food SMEs.
This document is an Addendum to the Global Options Paper, Weathering the Pandemic to Build Back Better: Options for Supporting SMEs in Low- and Middle-Income Countries. The Global Options Paper is a rapid review and analysis of the challenges facing agri-food SMEs.
The COVID-19 pandemic is a multiplier of vulnerability, compounding threats to food security and nutrition (FSN), while exposing weaknesses in food systems. This report summarises the current situation of Nigerian food systems amidst COVID-19 with a special emphasis on small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and how nutritious foods value chains are changing.
A survey of food system SMEs in 14 countries, aiming to assess the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic and associated control measures on their businesses and their support needs, was undertaken by GAIN and partners, including the Scaling Up Nutrition (SUN) Business Network (co-convened by the World Food Programme (WFP)). This survey took place in October/November 2020, following one in May 2020.
The COVID-19 pandemic is a multiplier of vulnerability, compounding threats to food security and nutrition (FSN), while exposing weaknesses in food systems. This report summarises the current situation of Kenyan food systems amidst COVID-19 with a special emphasis on small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and how nutritious foods value chains are changing.
The Food Systems Dashboard brings together extant data from public and private sources to help decision makers understand their food systems, identify their levers of change and decide which ones need to be pulled. The Global Burden of Disease study showed that unhealthy diets contribute to 11 million deaths per year.
The COVID-19 pandemic is a multiplier of vulnerability, compounding threats to food security and nutrition (FSN), while exposing weaknesses in food systems. In response, the Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN) developed the Keeping Food Markets Working (KFMW) programme to provide targeted support to help sustain core food systems, workers, and markets during the COVID-19 emergency.
Informal food retail is a central informal sector activity with a particular defining role in urban food systems, and is critical to the food and nutrition security of urban society. Many families and individuals residing in cities, especially those on low incomes, depend on informal food retail as a source of nutritious food such as fresh fruits and vegetables. It also offers a livelihood and source of income for many workers.
To operationalize the great food system transformation and ensure its sustainability, five areas of research and action require more attention: economic and structural costs; political economy; diversity of cultural norms; equity and social justice; and governance and decision support tools.
In urban areas in Low- and Middle-Income Countries, rates of overweight, obesity and diet-related non-communicable diseases (NCDs) are increasing. At the same time, undernutrition persists, particularly among those on low incomes. Where people acquire their food and factors such as availability, affordability and convenience all influence what people eat in urban areas (i.e. urban food environments) and are essential to people’s diets, nutrition and health