This chapter reviews the evidence basis for prevention of folic acid-sensitive neural tube defects through public health interventions in women of reproductive age, the proven vehicles for delivery of folic acid, and what is needed to effectively scale these, and provide a snapshot of potential innovations that require future research.
This chapter provides the evidence that in many countries, food fortification is one of the better examples available of a sustained and effective partnership between business and government in the food sector over this past decade.
This chapter summarises the global status of national mandated fortification programs, and outlines a national fortification delivery model to illustrate how policy can be designed that builds, improves, measures and sustains mandatory large-scale industrial fortification as an effective public health tool.
The main objective of this study was to evaluate the consumption coverage of iron-fortified wheat flour and folic acid and vitamin A-enriched vegetable oil in Côte d'Ivoire. It has deployed a scientific device that combines a survey of the target of the fortification, the Ivorian population, with a sampling of the oils and flours consumed by it, and with laboratory analyses to evaluate the adequate fortification,
The program has an emphasis on improving fortification processes, regulations and monitoring in the region, in particular for flour exports from Kazakhstan to Afghanistan and edible oil exports from Pakistan to Afghanistan.
The Nutrition of the Department of Health issued a Tender for a national survey with the aim of establishing baseline information on the predisposition of people to food fortification as well as establishing selected blood micronutrient values in children aged 1 – 9 years and women of child bearing age. This report summarises the key findings of this national survey.
In an effort to address these evidence gaps, the Global Nutrition Report of 2014 and the Micronutrient Forum 2014 Global Conference proceedings specifically highlighted the need to pay more attention to programme coverage as the main approach to assessing the availability, access and utilisation of nutrition programmes. This paper calls for renewed and coordinated efforts to better track programme coverage and to build systems for data-driven decision-making.
This guide uses insights from existing inclusive business partnerships (IB) partnerships to guide NGOs and companies through the process of engaging in IB partnerships. The guide also describes how NGOs and companies can generate internal buy-in for IB partnerships, and how they must change internally in order to enable successful collaboration.
This study assessed the analytical capability and readiness of selected laboratories to analyse fortified food. Samples of salt, edible oil, maize meal, and wheat flour were spiked with known levels of iodine, vitamin A and iron as appropriate and sent to participating laboratories on three separate occasions.
This discussion paper is based on a review of relevant literature and interviews with investors and experts at the intersection of business and nutrition. The objectives of this paper are to assess what is needed to unlock greater commercial investment into nutritious food value chains, from nutrition to agribusiness to SME finance and blended finance.