The ability to measure diet simply has been a critical need in linking food systems and nutrition. This webinar will be an interactive tour of the website where you can access new diet data as well as country-adapted data collection tools.
Diet quality data is newly available for 56 countries, representing approximately three-quarters of the world’s adult population. For over half of these countries, the data come from the first ever nationally representative survey on diet. These data are publicly available including data collected in 2021-2022 by the Gallup World Poll. The Diet Quality Questionnaire is adapted for 117 countries and translated into national languages, available as global public goods to enable harmonised data collection across countries. Companion questionnaires for infants and young children are also available.
These tools can be implemented as a regular survey module, without requiring special nutrition expertise, which makes them very useful for measuring diet in agriculture programs or existing surveys. The website enables users to interact with the data and download the ready-to-use survey modules that take 5 minutes to implement. The website also houses an indicator calculator to help users analyse their own data, at Please come, learn about these new tools, and bring your questions and reflections to discuss!
The Global Diet Quality Project is a collaboration between Gallup, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, and GAIN.
Andrew Rzepa, Gallup
Anna Herforth, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health
Gina Kennedy, GAIN
Janneke Hartvig Blomberg, UNICEF Laos
Cecilia Gonzalez, Ag2Nut