Roadmap to N4G 2025

Roadmap to N4G 2025

At the Nutrition for Growth Summit I (2024), Google pledged to promote healthier eating habits among its employees by joining the Workforce Nutrition Alliance (WNA) and launching a novel plant-forward culinary training programme, among other initiatives. Google is now a WNA Lighthouse for Healthy Eating at Work, fostering ongoing collaboration to promote best practices through workforce nutrition programmes.

Preparing for the Paris Nutrition for Growth Summit 2025 now, WNA plans to initiate a series of Lighthouse webinars, beginning with "Google and Healthy Food at Work," coinciding with Sustainable Gastronomy Day on June 18th.

This webinar, presented by the Workforce Nutrition Alliance (The Consumer Goods Forum and the Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN) in partnership with Google, will explore the nexus of healthy, sustainable food choices and corporate well-being. It will spotlight Google's innovative strategies for fostering healthy and sustainable workplace food practices and underline the connection between reporting environmental indicators and ESG frameworks. It will also address GAIN’s perspective on the importance of dietary diversity and animal-based foods.

Don't miss this opportunity to learn about Google’s and contribute to the conversation on healthy, sustainable food practices in the workplace. Join us on Sustainable Gastronomy Day as we pave the way for a healthier, more sustainable future for all.