Chapter 34 in Food Fortification in a Globalized World, 1st Edition edited by M.G.Venkatesh Mannar and Richard Hurrellin
Following subregional public-private dialogue on food fortification in West Africa held in Accra in October 2002, UEMOA (West African Economic and Monetary Union) expressed its intention to move forward on the implementation of WHO recommendations through the development of fortification programs in member countries.
Micronutrient deficiencies are a serious public health problem in Senegal. To move forward on the UEMOA community policy, Senegal conducted a Fortification Rapid Assessment Tool (FRAT) study in 2006 which identified oil and wheat flour as potential food vehicles for fortification based on their broad consumption in relatively high quantities across Senegal’s geographic and socioeconomic subgroups
This chapter reveals that the Senegal food fortification program has made significant progress within a relatively short period of time. Coverage of fortified flour and oil was high in women of childbearing age with 85% and 73%, respectively, consuming at least once a week flour and oil that can be fortified. The food fortification program in Senegal is contributing positively to micronutrient intake and is likely to be reducing deficiencies.