Leveraging Consumer Demand to Drive Food Safety Improvements in Traditional Markets: FTF EatSafe’s Research & Implementation Results.

Improving food safety in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs), particularly in the traditional markets where most consumers shop, is crucial for advancing nutrition, health, and other development goals. Feed the Future’s (FTF) Evidence and Action Towards Safe, Nutritious Food (FTF EatSafe) activity aimed to stimulate and leverage consumer demand for safer food to drive improvements in food safety in traditional markets. As an evidence-generating project, the following results were expected:

  • Expected Result 1: Increased and consolidated knowledge and evidence of food safety risks in informal markets.
  • Expected Result 2: Development of novel tools and approaches to engage consumers and vendors on food safety risks.
  • Expected Result 3: Increased evidence of the impact of consumer-facing interventions on food safety-related behaviors.