Micronutrient malnutrition remains a significant challenge in Indonesia, particularly among impoverished populations who struggle to afford and access nutrient-rich foods. Iron deficiency anemia is especially concerning, affecting 48.9% of pregnant women and 38.5% of children across the country. To address these gaps, the Ministry of Health, in collaboration with the Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN), conducted a comprehensive Micronutrient Gap Assessment (MGA). This assessment aimed to evaluate micronutrient intake levels among Indonesians and identify the potential benefits of rice fortification in meeting recommended dietary requirements.
To successfully execute Bangladesh’s National Pathway for the Sustainable, Equitable and Resilient Food Systems Transformation, it is conducive for all actors in the food system to have consistent and easy-to-access data for informed decision-making. To meet this need, the Government of Bangladesh and the Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN) in collaboration with the Columbia Climate School, FAO, different ministries including Prime Minister’s Office, Ministry of Planning, Ministry of Agriculture, and other relevant ministries, departments, agencies, development partners, academia, and private sector developed the Bangladesh Food Systems Dashboard (BDFSD) integrating national and subnational level data.
In 2023, Criterion Institute and UNICEF partnered to develop child lens investing: an emerging field that intentionally integrates considerations of child rights and wellbeing into investment processes. Understanding is growing of the opportunity that exists for increasing economic, social, and environmental impact by considering children when making investments.
This brief describes how and why we take the approach we do at both national and global levels, including key features of the way we work.
GAIN’s Environment Screening Tool represents a key step towards systematically incorporating environmental considerations into GAIN’s programmes. It is designed to enable a rapid self-assessment, which identifies environment-related risk factors, prompts mitigation actions, and encourages teams to explore opportunities for environment-nutrition win-wins.
The 2021 UN Food System Summit led to strategic pathways for food system transformation in countries, supported by an Ecosystem of Support (EoS).
This analysis evaluates transformation progress, suggests principles for effective EoS functioning, and emphasizes flexibility while respecting national leadership and promoting collaboration, inclusivity, and transparency and decision-making in advancing food system goals.
Malnutrition is a major public health problem, for which global development assistance current falls far short of needs. As such, it is important to consider non-traditional sources and mechanisms to increase the funding available to support nutrition, particularly in low- and middle-income countries where the burden is highest.